A proud company of The Shaw Group Limited

The Parks of Lake Charles community is an exciting new mixed-use community in Dartmouth, NS, and is a leading example of contemporary community planning. The development has a unified mix of residential and commercial property, schools, parks, and preserves the site’s network of rivers and streams. We are proposing a network of sidewalks and trails to encourage cycling and walking both within the new development, and to nearby destinations like Shubie Park. We strive for a unified architectural design in all of our projects, and The Parks of Lake Charles is no exception. Offering multiple housing styles - including apartments, townhomes, bungalows, two-storey homes and more. Residents will enjoy plenty of green space, playgrounds, and trails within and surrounding the community. Offering its own neighbourhood shopping area near the proposed central park, the community is also close to Dartmouth Crossing and Mic Mac Mall.
Total acreage: ~465
Total number of units: ~4,200
Estimated population at completion: ~11,000
Open space: 110 acres
Schedule: The proposed development will be broken up into multiple phases. Development is proposed to begin off of existing Waverley Road, just south of existing Garden Court and progress throughout the lands towards existing Avenue Du Portage.
Start date: 2022
Length of project: ~15 years



We anticipate that The Parks of Lake Charles will bring roughly 4,200 units to Dartmouth, and 4,900 with the other builder partners. Single family, semi-detached and townhomes will be mixed throughout the development, representing approximately 35% of the total units, while multiple residential buildings will account for approximately 65%.

Grocery and Retail Components
The Parks of Lake Charles lands were strategically selected due to their proximity to a grocery store, retail, service essentials, schools, nearby employment opportunities, and good road connections to 100-series network. We have proposed a central commercial area in the development to act as a commercial centre for the community, and provide for the day-to-day shopping needs of residents.
Walkability and open / public spaces
The Parks of Lake Charles is designed to prioritize walking and biking through a connected street network of sidewalks, paths, and multi-use pathways. The new street design is connected to the large, central park, and will draw activity to and from the commercial, through the park, and into an inviting, walkable community. The site design provides for a clear pedestrian route through the community, that will improve the pedestrian experience along the main thoroughfare of Avenue du Portage. Buildings are oriented towards the street, with smaller setbacks and side yards. Smaller commercial footprints, and townhouses are also now included along Avenue du Portage. This tighter-knit placement of buildings, and introduction of more human-scaled units creates more continuous interest along the street and invites more pedestrian activity. The Parks of Lake Charles will include two designated park areas, each centrally located for easy access by all residents, and sits across from the commercial hub on Avenue du Portage—we expect a synergy between the recreational and commercial uses and have made this area the focus of our upgrade program. The park will include active sport courts/fields with viewing areas and parking, a play structure, a hardscaped gathering node, benches, landscape plantings and grassed areas for social gathering. The site will also include 1.2 km of trails throughout the parkland for enhanced connectivity beyond the street network, between and through parks.
Transit, Parking, and Integration into existing road systems
The concept includes a public multi-use path system, creating an environment where residents have direct, convenient, walkable connections to private and public amenities and services, including public transit. The proposal includes improvements to existing streets along with a mixed use path for cyclists and pedestrians to comfortably access Shubie Park as well as the proposed parks within the development.
Clayton and Cresco have partnered on this project through Port Wallace Holdings Limited. Clayton is the development manager and is taking the lead on the project. Adjacent properties are also owned by Conrad Brothers, Unia, and Frank/Eric Whebby.
A division of The Shaw Group Limited, Clayton Developments Limited is part of 160 years of business success. We're proud to have created communities for more than 80,000 residents to call “home”, while producing a substantial economic impact and more than a billion dollars in developed real estate. Our communities are well-planned, well-known and well-loved. With a well-established history of successful and strategic partnerships, both solely in land development and more recently in multiple residential projects and home building, Clayton has approximately 1,200 acres of land under partnership arrangements in the Halifax market, and 114 acres under partnership in Newfoundland. Learn more at www.claytondev.com.
For over 30 years, the owners of Cresco, first-generation Canadians Hossein Mousavi and Taleb Abidali, and their team have built award-winning homes and communities across Halifax. The magic of this successful family-owned company is in its collaboration with customers, partners, and a loyal network of builders and trades. Cresco is known for its relentless focus on quality and artistry in building homes and developing communities such as The Ravines of Bedford South and The Parks of West Bedford. Whether building single-family homes, multi-unit residential or commercial properties, or working through master-planned developments, Cresco has a long-term perspective on land acquisition, partnerships, community building, and the innovative use of design and building principles. With over fifty industry and community awards and progressive, long-term thinking, Cresco is deeply committed to giving back, evidenced by its active participation and support of organizations such as the Cobequid Health Centre Foundation, Dalhousie Medical Research Foundation, Dartmouth General Hospital Foundation, Halifax YMCA, Nova Scotia Home Builders’ Association, Urban Development Institute, Halifax Chamber of Commerce, and Family Business Atlantic. Cresco has also built lottery homes for multiple charities over the past two decades.
The project receives questions from neighbours, local representatives, and media. The following frequently asked questions (FAQ’s) and answers will be updated throughout the project development to continually share our progress and inform interested parties with the information they seek.
Does your proposal comply with the Regional Centre SMPS?The recently adopted Regional Centre SMPS supports a density figure of 3,500 – 4,000 people. The near-term proposed development plan includes approximately 905 units within the approximate 25-acre area. This equates to a total of 2086 people and a population density of 83 PPA, which sits well within the policy’s target. The proposed development satisfies the SMPS by providing: a variety of private open spaces, and enhanced connections to public open spaces abutting the development site; a mix of land uses, housing choices, and built forms that transition appropriately to surrounding, existing neighbourhoods; an environment where residents have direct, convenient, walkable connections to private and public amenities and services such as public transit; and a transportation network prioritizing active transportation through enhanced streetscaping, traffic calming design elements, and multi-use trails.
What will happen to the existing businesses during construction?No impact to existing businesses.
What environmental sustainability features are being incorporated?The community will benefit from a number of sustainable elements of this project including: Converting a Brownfield redevelopment (rehabilitating a disused site) Incorporating Transit Oriented Design (TOD) Adding pedestrian- and bicycle-friendly street design Low Impact Design (LID) Planning for a Mixed-Use Community
Who will own and manage the housing?Builder partners will be carefully selected as the project further progresses. Clayton has worked with several professional developers for more than 70 years and holds each to very stringent construction covenants and quality.
How many trees will you cut down for this development?Under the landscaping plan there would be a significant net increase in trees and soft scaping added to the site. The proposed development includes landscaped vegetative buffers along the outer edges of the site, abutting existing low-rise neighbourhoods and municipal parks. Enhanced streetscapes, attractive street lighting, planter boxes, and general site landscaping are provided throughout the development concept. The plan supports the canopy targets of the Urban Forest Masterplan. The existing vegetative buffer surrounding Penhorn Lake will be maintained. An additional linear portion of land will be added to the existing buffer area between the proposed development and Penhorn Lake.
What kind of amenity spaces will be included (interior and exterior?)The proposed development concept includes a variety of open spaces that amount to a total of approximately 21% (5.4 acres) of the site. These spaces would be integrated with the existing Brownlow Park and Penhorn Lake, and enhanced with multi-use trails that connect to the existing transit terminal and commercial amenities. The proposal includes a network of public and private open spaces that are strategically located to provide additional positive experiences for everyone and support a pedestrian-friendly and human-scaled built community. These spaces are planned with accessibility in mind by including barrier free access points, careful surface material selection, and appropriate seating. Enhanced streetscapes, attractive street lighting, planter boxes, and general site landscaping are significant elements of the concept plan that are compatible and consistent with open spaces abutting the site and within surrounding neighbourhoods.
Where will all these residents park?The majority of vehicular parking areas are proposed to be located underground with landscaped podiums at grade, with a limited amount of surface parking located away from public streets.
Has the community already been engaged on this project?Yes, a Community Visioning process took place years ago that formed the policies that guide the development of the property. We remain open to all input and feedback from the community about Opal Ridge and encourage you to leave any comments, ask any questions and please complete the inquiry form to ensure we share information with you and invite you to participate in any project opportunities.
With whom will you consult when designing accessible elements of the project (parking, public spaces, buildings, units)?HRM incorporates all their prescribed regulations into their Development Agreements (DA’s), this includes parkland dedication, parking allocations, building size and form.
Will there be more opportunities for the public to get engaged in the process?Yes, informal community consultation is ongoing, we encourage you to reach out to us.
When will construction begin?Construction began in June 2022
How long will construction take / when will it end?Approximately 4 years
How will this site tie into public transportation?Residents would have direct, convenient, walkable connections to the Penhorn Transit Terminal which services multiple major routes and enables travel throughout HRM.
How will development of this area impact residents of Manor Park Neighbourhood and Brownlow Park?The Regional Centre SMPS requires that future development in the area abutting the Manor Park Neighbourhood and Penhorn Lake Park and Brownlow Park maintain and enhance the existing vegetative buffer. Manor Park and Brownlow Park will enjoy enhanced access to the amenities and services currently available within the commercial component of the site, including improved access to the Penhorn Transit Terminal, and public amenities.
What schools will the community attend?Deciding what your child needs and what matters most are key steps in choosing a school with the best fit for your child. Halifax Regional Centre for Education lets you find the school closest to you.